Tensile Testing Machine for Reinforcing Steel Rebar for Concrete Reinforcement

Tensile Testing Machine for Reinforcing Steel Rebar for Concrete Reinforcement

AWS D1.4/D1.4M:2011 Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel
DIN 488-1:2009 Reinforcing steels- Part 1:Grades, Properties, marking
DIN 488-2:2009 Reinforcing steels bars
DIN 488-3:2009 Reinforcing steels in coils, steel wire.
ISO 6935 -1:2007 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete- Part1 Plain bars
ISO 6935 -2:2007 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete- Part2 Ribbed bars
GOST 5781-82 :1993 Hot –rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete
JIS G 3112 :2010 Steel bars for concrete reinforcement.
BS 4449:2005+A2:2009 Steel for reinforcement of concrete – Weldable reinforcing steelBar coil and decoiled product – Specification
ASTM A 615/A 615M: 2005 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel
Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

ISO 10544:1992,Cold reduced steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete and the
manufacture of welded fabric.

ISO 404:1992,Steel and steel products-General technical delivery requirements.
2-2 1S0 6892:1984,Metallic materials-Tensile testing.
2-3 ISO/TR 9769:1991,Steel and iron-Review of available methods of analysis.
3-3 IS0 10065:1990,Steel bars for reinforcement of concrete-Bend and rebend tests.
3-4 ISO 10144:1991,Certification scheme for steel bars and wires for the reinforcement of
concrete structures

ISO 15630-1: 2019, Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete — Test methods
— Part 1: Reinforcing bars, rods and wire

Faratest Co supplies testing machines


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