ISO 836 Refractory Products Testing Machines

Refractory Products Testing Machines

Refractory Products – Classification and Test Method

ISO 5014:1997, Dense and insulating shaped refractory products — Determination of modulus of rupture at ambient temperature.

ISO 10059-1:1992, Dense, shaped refractory products — Determination of cold compressive strength — Part 1: Referee test without packing.

ISO 10081

ISO 10635:1999, Refractory products — Methods of test for ceramic fibre products.

EN 993-8:1997, Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products — Part 8: Determination of refractoriness—under-load.

EN 993-9:1997, Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products — Part 9: Determination of creep in compression.

EN 1094-1:1997, Insulating refractory products: — Part 1: Terminology for ceramic fibre products.

ENV 1402-7:1998, Unshaped refractory products — Part 7: Tests on pre-formed shapes.

ASTM C71-00, Standard Terminology Relating to Refractories.

BS 3446-3:1990, British standard glossary of terms associated with refractory materials. Applications in the metallurgical industries.

modulus of rupture
maximum stress that a prismatic test piece of a refractory (107) of specified dimensions can withstand when it is bent in a three-point bending device
[SOURCE: ISO 5014:1997]
tensile strength
parting strength
maximum tensile force that a coherent ceramic fibre (026) product can withstand before it fails
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO 10635:1999.

Faratest Co supplies testing machines

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