ISO/TS 11405 Dentistry; Adhesion to tooth structure test machine

ISO/TS 11405 Dentistry adhesion to tooth structure test machine

ISO/TS 11405:2015

Dentistry — Testing of adhesion to tooth structure

ISO/TS 11405:2015 gives guidance on substrate selection, storage, and handling as well as essential characteristics of different test methods for quality testing of the adhesive bond between restorative dental materials and tooth structure, i.e. enamel and dentine. It includes a tensile bond strength measurement test, a test for measurement of marginal gaps around fillings, a microleakage test, and gives guidance on clinical usage tests for such materials. Some specific test methods for bond strength measurements are given for information in Annex A.

ISO/TS 11405:2015 does not include requirements for adhesive materials and their performance.

ISO/TS 16506:2017

Dentistry — Polymer-based luting materials containing adhesive components

ISO/TS 16506:2017 specifies test methods and information of bond strength to dentine and physical and chemical performances of dental polymer-based luting materials containing adhesive components. The materials are supplied in a form suitable for mechanical mixing or hand-mixing, including using auto-mixing tips, for self-curing and/or external energy activation, or non-mixing for external energy activation.

The polymer-based luting materials covered by this document are intended to be used for the cementation or fixation of restorations and appliances such as inlays, onlays, veneers, posts, crowns and bridges.

ISO/TS 16506:2017 does not cover the following polymer-based luting materials:

a) those which do not have an adhesive component within the structure of the material (see ISO 4049);

b) those intended for veneering sub-frames (see ISO 10477).

  • ISO 1942, Dentistry — Vocabulary
  • ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods
  • ISO 6344-1, Coated abrasives — Grain size analysis — Part 1: Grain size distribution test
  • ISO 7491, Dental materials — Determination of colour stability
  • ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times
  • ISO 13116, Dentistry — Test method for determining radio-opacity of materials

ISO 29022:2013

Dentistry — Adhesion — Notched-edge shear bond strength test

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
  • ISO 1942, Dentistry — Vocabulary
  • ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods
  • ISO 6344−1, Coated abrasives — Grain size analysis — Part 1: Grain size distribution test
bond strength
force per unit area required to break a bonded assembly with failure occurring in or near the adhesive/adherend interface
direct dental restorative material
material used to restore a tooth that is placed in the plastic or unset state and sets intraorally when used clinically
material upon the surface of which an adhesive is spread for any purpose, such as bonding or coating

Faratest Co supplies testing machines

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