ISO 3325 Transverse Rupture Strength Test Machine

ISO 3325 Transverse Rupture Strength Test Machine
Sintered metal materials, excluding hard metals — Determination of transverse rupture strength
This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the transverse rupture strength of sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals. The method is particularly suitable for comparing the sintered strength of a batch of metal powder with that of a reference powder or with a reference strength.
The method is applicable to sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals, whether they have been subjected to heat treatment after sintering or not, and also to materials that have been sized or coined after sintering.
It is specially suitable for materials having a uniform hardness throughout their section and negligible ductility, i.e. a ductility corresponding to a permanent deformation of less than about 0,5 mm measured between the two supports during the transverse rupture strength determination. If the test is applied to materials under conditions other than those specified above, the conditions shall be reported.

NOTE 1 The permanent deformation can be measured with sufficient precision from the two fragments of the broken or cracked bar by indexing the lower surface.

Alternatively, the deflection of a straight line drawn horizontally on the side of the test piece can be measured using an optical instrument such as a measuring microscope or optical comparator.

Faratest Co supplies testing machines.

Tel: +98 21 88705040

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