ISO 3303-1 Rubber or Plastic Coated Fabrics Burst Testing Machine

ISO 3303-1 Rubber or Plastic Coated Fabrics Burst Testing Machine
The bursting strength of coated fabrics is often used as a measure of the multidirectional modulus of the material, as opposed to tensile properties which only provide guidance to the coated-fabric strength in one plane. In addition, bursting strength is more
appropriate for testing materials prone to necking, such as coated fabrics with knitted substrates.
The method described in this document, which employs a steel ball, is useful as it represents an impact failure typical of one which would be experienced in service.
This document specifies a method for the determination of the bursting strength of rubber or plastics coated fabrics, using a mechanically operated steel ball.

Faratest Co supplies testing machines

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