ASTM C1161 Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics Test Machine

ASTM C1161 Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics Test Machine
ASTM C1161 – 18 

Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature

This test method covers the determination of flexural strength of advanced ceramic materials at ambient temperature. Four-point-1/4-point and three-point loadings with prescribed spans are the standard as shown in Fig. 1. Rectangular specimens of prescribed cross-section sizes are used with specified features in prescribed specimen-fixture combinations. Test specimens may be 3 by 4 by 45 to 50 mm in size that are tested on 40-mm outer span four-point or three-point fixtures. Alternatively, test specimens and fixture spans half or twice these sizes may be used. The method permits testing of machined or as-fired test specimens. Several options for machining preparation are included: application matched machining, customary procedure, or a specified standard procedure. This method describes the apparatus, specimen requirements, test procedure, calculations, and reporting requirements. The test method is applicable to monolithic or particulate- or whisker-reinforced ceramics. It may also be used for glasses. It is not applicable to continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic composites.

C1239 Practice for Reporting Uniaxial Strength Data and Estimating Weibull Distribution Parameters for Advanced Ceramics

MIL-STD-1942(MR) Flexural Strength of High Performance Ceramics at Ambient Temperature 


Advanced Ceramics – Flexural/Bend Strength – Four-Point Bend Test – Machining – Test Specimens And Test Engines – Three-Point Bend Test


Faratest Co supplies testing machines

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