ASTM B1003 Seamless Copper Tube Test Machines
This specification applies to seamless copper tube for linesets intended for use in air conditioning units. The pressure rating established is 700 psi at 250 °F and incorporates fully annealed and brazed copper tubing.
This specification establishes the requirements for materials and manufacturing process, chemical composition, temper, grain size, mechanical properties, performance (expansion test, cleanness of interior surface, microscopical examination for susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement, pressure ratings), nondestructive testing requirements, workmanship, finish, and appearance. It also covers sampling, number of tests and retests, specimen preparation, test methods, inspection and certification, test report, product marking, and packaging and package marking.
Faratest Co supplies testing machines
Tel: +98 21 88705040
Whatsapp & Telegram: +98 912 3750274