دستگاه تست و آزمون مواد پروتزهای دندانی طبق استاندارد های ISO /TC 106/ SC2
فراتست عرضه کننده دستگاه های تست
ISO 4823:2015
Dentistry — Elastomeric impression materials
ISO 4823:2015 specifies the requirements and tests that the state-of-the art body of knowledge suggests for helping determine whether the elastomeric impression materials, as prepared for retail marketing, are of the quality needed for their intended purposes.
NOTE This International Standard does not address possible biological hazards associated with the materials. Therefore, interested parties are encouraged to explore ISO 7405 and ISO 10993 for assessment of such hazards.
ISO 6872:2015
Dentistry — Ceramic materials
ISO 6872:2015 specifies the requirements and the corresponding test methods for dental ceramic materials for fixed all-ceramic and metal-ceramic restorations and prostheses.
ISO 6872:2015/AMD 1:2018
Dentistry — Ceramic materials — Amendment 1
ISO 6873:2013
Dentistry — Gypsum products
ISO 6873:2013 gives a classification of, and specifies requirements for, gypsum products used for dental purposes such as making oral impressions, moulds, casts, dies or model bases, and mounting models. It specifies the test methods to be employed to determine compliance with these requirements. It also includes requirements for the labelling of packaging and for adequate instructions to accompany each package.
ISO 7491:2000
Dental materials — Determination of colour stability
ISO 9333:2006
Dentistry — Brazing materials
ISO 9333:2006 specifies requirements and test methods for brazing materials suitable for use in metallic restorations.
ISO 9693:2019
Dentistry — Compatibility testing for metal-ceramic and ceramic-ceramic systems
This document specifies requirements and test methods to assess the thermomechanical compatibility between a veneering ceramic and a metallic or ceramic substructure material used for dental restorations.
This document applies only to the materials used in combination. Conformity cannot be claimed for a single material.
For requirements for ceramic materials, see ISO 6872. For requirements for metallic materials see ISO 22674.
ISO 10139-1:2018
Dentistry — Soft lining materials for removable dentures — Part 1: Materials for short-term use
ISO 10139-1:2018 specifies requirements for the physical properties, test methods, packaging, marking and manufacturer’s instructions for soft denture lining materials suitable for short-term use, including functional impression taking using existing removable prosthesis.
ISO 10139-2:2016
Dentistry — Soft lining materials for removable dentures — Part 2: Materials for long-term use
ISO 10271:2020
Dentistry — Corrosion test methods for metallic materials
This document specifies test methods and procedures to determine the corrosion behaviour of metallic materials used in the oral cavity. It is intended that these test methods and procedures be referred to in individual International Standards specifying such metallic materials.
This document is not applicable to dental instruments.
ISO 10477:2020
Dentistry — Polymer-based crown and veneering materials
This document classifies polymer-based crown and veneering materials used in dentistry and specifies their requirements. It also specifies the test methods to be used to determine conformity to these requirements.
This document is applicable to polymer-based crown and veneering materials for laboratory-fabricated permanent veneers or crowns. It also applies to polymer-based dental crown and veneering materials for which the manufacturer claims adhesion to the substructure without macro-mechanical retention such as beads or wires.
ISO 13017:2020
Dentistry — Magnetic attachments
This document specifies requirements and test methods for assessing the applicability of dental magnetic attachments that provide retention, support and stabilization of removable prostheses (crowns and bridges, partial dentures and overdentures), superstructures of dental implants and orthodontic or maxillofacial prostheses including obturators.
ISO 13078-2:2016
Dentistry — Dental furnace — Part 2: Test method for evaluation of furnace programme via firing glaze
ISO 13078-2:2016 determines a degree of firing to be implemented by the user. It represents a test method for adapting the firing program of a dental furnace by determining the degree of firing of fired test specimens for a dental ceramic.
The test method is suitable for powdered dental ceramics according to ISO 6872, Type I.
The test method enables monitoring of the temperature control in the dental furnace by evaluating the firing degree of a dental ceramic. The test method is also suitable for evaluating the reproducibility of the firings in a dental furnace or for comparing several dental furnaces.
ISO 13078:2013
Dentistry — Dental furnace — Test method for temperature measurement with separate thermocouple
ISO 13078:2013 specifies a test method for the calibration of dental furnaces that are suitable for the heat treatment of silica-based dental ceramic restorations in the temperature range between 600 °C and 1 050 °C.
ISO 14233:2003
Dentistry — Polymer-based die materials
ISO 14233:2003 gives compositional, performance, user-information, packaging and marking, and testing requirements for polymer-based die materials used in dentistry. It is applicable to die materials having a polymeric matrix as their principal constituent. Polymer-based die materials are used in the dental laboratory mainly to produce casts from dental impressions for the manufacture of fixed or removable restorations)
ISO 14356:2003
Dentistry — Duplicating material
ISO 14356:2002 specifies requirements and tests for the duplicating materials used in dentistry which are primarily intended for forming flexible moulds needed to produce positive refractory investment copies of properly blocked-out master models.
ISO/TR 14569-1:2007
Dental materials — Guidance on testing of wear — Part 1: Wear by toothbrushing
ISO/TR 14569-1:2007 provides guidelines for test methods for the assessment of resistance to wear by tooth brushing for the following materials:
- materials used for the preparation of artificial teeth;
- veneering of crowns and bridges.
ISO/TS 14569-2:2001
Dental materials — Guidance on testing of wear — Part 2: Wear by two- and/or three body contact
ISO 15854:2005
Dentistry — Casting and baseplate waxes
ISO 15912:2016
Dentistry — Refractory investment and die material
ISO/TS 19736:2017
Dentistry — Bonding test between polymer teeth and denture base materials
ISO 20795-1:2013
Dentistry — Base polymers — Part 1: Denture base polymers
ISO 21563:2013
Dentistry — Hydrocolloid impression materials
ISO 22112:2017
Dentistry — Artificial teeth for dental prostheses
ISO 22598:2020
Dentistry — Colour tabs for intraoral tooth colour determination
ISO 22674:2016
Dentistry — Metallic materials for fixed and removable restorations and appliances
ISO 28319:2018
Dentistry — Laser welding and filler materials
ISO/TR 28642:2016
Dentistry — Guidance on colour measurement
ISO/DIS 4823
Dentistry — Elastomeric impression and bite registration materials
ISO/CD 6872
Dentistry — Ceramic materials
ISO/AWI 7491
Dental materials — Determination of colour stability
ISO/CD 9333
Dentistry — Brazing materials
ISO/WD 13078-3
Dentistry — Dental furnace — Part 3: Test method for evaluation of high temperature sintering furnace measurement with separate thermocouple
ISO/PRF 15854
Dentistry — Casting and baseplate waxes
ISO/WD 19736
Dentistry — Bonding test between polymer teeth and denture base materials
ISO/AWI 20795-1
Dentistry — Base polymers — Part 1: Denture base polymers
ISO/AWI 20795-2
Dentistry — Base polymers — Part 2: Orthodontic base polymers
ISO/DIS 21563
Dentistry — Hydrocolloid impression materials
ISO/AWI TR 21883
Dentistry — Calibration of color measuring instruments and development
ISO/CD 22674
Dentistry — Metallic materials for fixed and removable restorations and appliances
ISO/AWI 23401-1
Dentistry — Chairside denture base relining materials — Part 1: Hard type materials
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